Aneta the Poet
From 2 to 8 years

About stuttering
Talking may seem very simple to those who have no problems with it.
It seems everything starts when we form a thought in our brains. In the brain, this thought is converted into the words that we've learned, then a message is sent to the muscles in our mouth, face, neck, tongue and throat, which move to form the words.
Sometimes something goes wrong and the words that come out falter or they take too long to come out. It's like when you turn on A TAP and the water comes out in spurts; that's why children who have this problem find it more difficult to talk.
In many cases, if diagnosed quickly and treated at an early age, it can be corrected. This involves therapy in which parents, friends and specialists play a very important role.
When you get to know Aneta, you'll understand just how interesting her story is.
My name is Aneta. I write and write, because I'm a poet.
Welcome to my poetry blog, I love writing and thanks to new technologies I'm able to reach the whole WORLD.
Poetry isn't all that difficult. A rainy morning, the movement of the leaves on the trees... even your maths teacher can be a source of inspiration.

To be a poet it's vital that you're able to make words rhyme. For example, love rhymes with dove, glove, above ... I could go on and on because I have a very rich vocabulary. That's what Francisco Belausteguigoitia Amorrortu, Paco, my speech therapist, says, that I'm brighter than the average girl.

Remember that when they tell you you're anything less, princess! (You see, everything I say rhymes).
All of my classmates in speech therapy are boys, so I get treated like a princess.

You see, I STUTTER. I've worked hard not to be suffocated by my silences, not to pay attention to my stammering and just to say what I want to.

Stuttering is easier to cope with when you're surrounded by people who love you.
My sister María is my biggest FAN. She sticks my poems onto her school folders, instead of having photos of celebrities like her friends do.

We sometimes fight, but that also gives me ideas for my poetry. Last year I wrote a poem about her called 'María the moaner'.

I don't think she liked that one too much, but Mum and Dad had a good laugh about it and they sometimes call her a MOANER, but just as a joke...

I've been really happy of late because I've achieved two things: first off, being able to say Paco's full name, with his surnames and everything!; and second off, reciting one of my poems in class.

Do any of you know someone who stutters? There are famous people who stutter, like King George VI who, with the help of an actor, learned to speak in public. You should go and see the film 'The King's Speech', I found it so moving. One piece of advice, when you meet someone who stutters, even if you find it difficult, allow them to finish their sentences. Deal?

I'm making such good progress that, whenever we go out for a meal, my Dad gets me to order. You should have seen the waiters face the other day… hahaha! He was so nice and he carried on smiling whilst writing down everyone's order… and that took a long while. It's great when people give me all the time I need without making me feel bad.

I look forward to reading your comments on my blog posts. If they're in the form of a poem, then that's even better!
Because verses like THIS, rhyme with a KISS!
And I love both of those things.