Aitor Aviator
From 2 to 8 years

About ADHD
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
The neurons take and bring messages to our brain as if they were thousands of postmen. For the brain to be able to organize all that information, there are some very sensitive organs that coordinate it all.
What can happen is that these coordination organs do not work quite right, so the information moves slower. When this happens to a boy or a girl, they cannot concentrate the same way you do. They are easily distracted, they are impulsive and they need to move a lot.
Reading the story of Aitor, you will discover the fascinating things that these friends with ADHD hide on their inside.
Tick, tock, tick, tock ...
The times goes by and this lesson won't go into my brain. Tick, tock, tick, tock... I am going to play marbles, I love the bright colours, but I promised daddy that I would finish my homework... Humph! The clock won’t stop going round... Will I have time to get out the markers that glow in the dark?
Tick, tock, tick, tock ...

Oh, there you are. Sorry, I didn't see you there... I have so many things on my mind...

At last, I have found my eraser collection!
Look, look, I have all kinds; big and small, with aromas and without aromas, in the shape of tools, animals, toys... Here is my favourite, this eraser is like a skateboard! By the way, where is my skateboard? It should be here… Yes, yes I swear I put it here...

Tick, tock, tick, tock... Oh! The maths exam is waiting for me...
Oh and I have just realised, I haven't introduced myself. I am Aitor, you might think that I am easily distracted but not at all... the thing is, it is hard for me to pay attention and I need to move around a lot...
At last!!! Yes, here is my skateboard.

Anyway, as I was saying I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that is why the doctors call it ADHD Tick, tock, tick, tock... Oh dear!, the clock...

Sometimes, at school my classmates find it difficult to play with me because I get angry very easily...
Also, I need twice as much time as them to learn and that annoys me so much… even though I am not all

Now Francisco, my doctor, even though he told me that not all the children need them, has prescribed me a medicine that travels to my brain so that my neurons receive the information quicker and that way I don’t skip lines when reading, help me understand better the explanations in class and get up less from my table. And I also have Teresa, the psychologist, who helps my parents and me with tips that help me concentrate better.

Daddy is a great guy and he talks to me about everything. His conversations help me loads. He looks me in the eye and he tells me the things I need to do slowly and one by one...
“The medicine is not everything, Aitor”, he says kindly, “you determination and our affection will help you grow up”. And it is true

At school Rafa my teacher, does not mark my homework with red pen anymore, nor does he make me talk in public. He sits me close to him and he splits my work so that it does not overwhelm me as much. He also tries to get my classmates to play with me.

So, it by bit, the kids in my class are getting to know me better: They invite me to their birthdays, they call me on the telephone, and we meet to go to the cinema…
Tick, tock, tick, tock... Oh, the clock reminds me that I have to carry on studying maths. Yes, if I want to be an aviator like my father, I need to know a load of algebra... I dream about flying through the sky and telling the whole world that everyone can be anything they put their mind to...

I know it is going to be a long journey but as the saying goes “Dream and your dreams will fall short…”
Tick, tock, tick, tock...